September 22nd - October 8th, 2019
Donate new school supplies to help keep our classrooms well stocked and ready for anything this school year!
CLICK HERE to go to Amazon Smile to purchase supplies easily and have them shipped directly to NECP at 150 Jackson Road. Also, Amazon will donate a small percentage of the purchase price to the NECP PTO when you use Amazon Smile, a double win!
Top 3 frequently used items:
Diaper/Baby wipes
Paper Towels (good quality)
Shaving Cream
Hand Sanitizer
Hand Sanitizer Wipes
Paper Plates (assorted sizes)
Plastic Cups
Soft (Kleenex) Tissues
Dish Detergent
Laminating Sheets
Other Supply Ideas:
Wind-up Toys
Little People
Board Games
Peaceable Kingdom Games
Fidget Cubes & Spinners
Floor puzzles
Children’s Books
Tissue Paper
Googly Eyes
Pipe Cleaners
Art Feathers
Finger Paint
Washable Markers
Glue Sticks
Glitter Glue
Kraft Buttons